This approach ensures that the market receives an appropriate level of information about the entity’s governance arrangements so that investors and other stakeholders can have a meaningful dialogue with the board and management on governance matters and can factor the information provided into their decision on whether or not to invest in the entity and how to vote on particular resolutions.

The “if not, why not” approach is fundamental to the operation of the Principles and Recommendations.

The Safety Governance Principles® align specifically and purposely to the ASX Principles of Corporate Governance.

We use the same language and terminology to ensure we are transferring the correct intention and meaning of the words for application for Corporate Governance Actors and Oversight/Stewardship Professionals.

We help translate safety to the corporate governance language.

  • Too long has safety simply been left in the “culture” box.
  • Safety is not just “culture”.

It is as we have relayed via each of the Principles relating to each of the actions of Corporate Governance we add a risk which in the past has been seen as non material to many industries and activities.

We use the same language to translate safety to corporate governance.